Sunday, November 27, 2011

Marketing Myopia

Marketing myopia is a term used in marketing as well as the title of an important marketing paper written by Theodore Levitt. Little I felt the importance of it till the Kingfisher airlines/ fiasco.

At some point in its development, every business can be considered a growing business, based on the apparent superiority of its product/service. But in case after case, businesses have fallen under the shadow of mismanagement. Kingfisher airlines just took 6 days to undo the efforts it took to build the brand in last 6 years. The efforts the marketing team had put in creating the brand Kingfisher evaporated overnight with thousands of passengers stranded at various airports.

One thing I fail to understand is that why customer should be the scapegoat for Mr.Mallaya and his so called efficient team’s inefficiencies?

 King of good times making fliers to go through bad time……..Not Justified

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