Thursday, September 1, 2011

Multi Channel Conundrum

It's become the norm that customers interact with companies through multiple channels. The more channels they use to connect with a given company, the higher their potential loyalty and spend.But in reality, the customers become more frustrated when their experience are inconsistent across channels when interacting with the brand.

Several factor contribute to this frustation including, rapid growth in customer acquisition, poor back end support, silos of customer information that exists between various verticals of the business, inconsistent compensation model.Unfortunately, few companies have equipped themselves to monitor, manage, or optimize their customers' multichannel experiences, thus increasing the chances of dissatisfaction, churn, and decreased customer value by failing to meet customer expectations. 

Crafting great multichannel experiences for customers requires three primary elements,people who are properly incented and motivated to meet customer needs across channels; processes that are suitably designed and integrated across channels; and technology that supports customer interactions across all touchpoints and helps to gather customer insights from each channel